2024.09.23 - Ethics and AI

Ethics and AI

Joint Conference

Philosophy in Informatics IX & 19th ArgDiaP Conference

September 23-25, 2024, Warsaw University of Technology

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: 30 June 2024
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: 15 August 2024
  • Conference: 23-25 September 2024
  • Registration: 17 September 2024



 Please complete Registration_Ethics_AI-new (.xlsx) and send it to pawel.stacewicz@pw.edu.pl by 17th September.


Conference Venue

Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, Main Building (Pl. Politechniki 1), room 213.


Conference Program

Note: the conference program may be updated on a regular basis. The latest version is here.


General Information

The conference is an interdisciplinary forum connecting the AI-engineering community, the community of philosophers and ethicists, and the community of argumentation theorists. The conference topics focus on broadly understood ethical issues arising in AI. Participants focus on real ethical problems that AI creators, users, and social, cultural, and political systems face. Although focused on ethics, the topics discussed will follow the tradition of the two combined conferences (see https://argdiap.pl/argdiap-meetings/,  https://calculemus.org/fi6/). Part of the conference is a workshop on how to shape academic teaching at the intersection of ethics and AI.


Conference Topics

The topics of the conference include but are not limited to:

  • Ethical challenges of contemporary IT research
  • Ethical conflicts related to the use, development and implementation of AI
  • Ethics in AI and AI in ethics
  • Ontological, epistemological and axiological aspects of IT research
  • Trustworthy AI systems
  • Argumentation and LLM
  • Argumentation, religion and AI
  • Argumentation, moral values and culture
  • Digital communication and critical thinking
  • AI and moral decision-making
  • Moral enhancement and AI
  • AI and surveillance
  • Data privacy and security in AI applications
  • Ethical challenges of autonomous systems
  • Ethically-aligned design
  • Ethical frameworks around AI and data
  • Contradictions in AI development and ethics
  • Public policies and AI
  • AI and ethos
  • New ethical approaches towards AI
  • Researcher integrity and the LLM
  • LLM and teaching – ethics and practice
  • AI virtues: A wise, fair, benevolent and beneficial AI.


Keynote Speakers

  • Jarosław Arabas (WUT, WEiTI) 
  • Hajo Greif (WUT, WAiNS)
  • Artur Przelaskowski (WUT, MiNI)


Programme Committee

  • Jarosław Arabas (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)  
  • Michał Araszkiewicz (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
  • Przemysław Biecek (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Stefan Böschen (RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany) 
  • Katarzyna Budzyńska (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Kamila Dębowska-Kozłowska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
  • Maria Ganzha (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Martin Hinton (University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland)
  • Marek Hetmański (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Lublin, Poland)
  • Stanisław Janeczko (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Magdalena Kacprzak (Bialystok University of Technology, Białystok, Poland)
  • Barbara Konat (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
  • Roman Krzanowski (The Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland)
  • Marcin Koszowy (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Piotr Kulicki (Catolic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland)
  • Alina Landowska (SWPS University, Poland)
  • Sławomir Leciejewski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
  • Paweł Łupkowski(Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
  • Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Roman Morawski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
  • Saskia Nagel (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany)
  • Robert Nowak (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland) 
  • Paweł Polak (The Pontifical University of John Paul II, Kraków, Poland)
  • Giuseppe Primiero (University of Milan, Milan, Italy)
  • Piotr Radziewicz  (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Marcin Rojszczak (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Bartosz Sawicki (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Marcin Selinger (University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland)
  • Michał Śmiałek (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Krzysztof Sołoducha (Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Jacek Starzyński (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland)
  • Mariusz Urbański (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
  • Tomasz Żurek (Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands)


Institutional organizers




Organizing Committee

  • Bartłomiej Skowron (WUT & ICFO & ArgDiaP)—co-chairman
  • Paweł Stacewicz (WUT)—co-chairman
  • Marcin Koszowy (WUT& ArgDiaP)
  • Jarosław Chudziak (WUT)
  • Radosław Roszczyk (WUT)
  • Michał Zawadzki (WUT)
  • Franciszek Łabędzki (WUT)
  • Julia Braniewska (WUT)



  • We invite you to submit proposals for contributed talks: 30 min. (including discussion).
  • Max. 2 pages extended abstracts (including bibliography).
  • Abstracts should contain the name of the author (authors), affiliation and e-mail address.
  • Send PDF and TEX files to pawel.stacewicz@pw.edu.pl. Please indicate the title of the submission in the e-mail title.


Conference Fee

The registration fee is 500 PLN.