Opublikowano: 11.10.2021 12:29
Conference: "Student as the New European Bauhaus influencer"
- 10.00-10.10 - Welcome to the participants
- speaker: prof WUT dr hab. Anna Zalcewicz, Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology
- 10.10-10.30 - The New European Bauhaus concept from the student’s perspective (introduction)
- speaker: prof WUT dr hab. Robert Zajdler, Warsaw University of Technology
- 10.30-10.50 – Regaining engagement into climate and environmental policies – discussing potential roles of students in influencing the New European Bauhaus
- speaker: dr Robert Rybski, University of Warsaw
- 10.50-11.10 - Value and methods for social influencing adequate for students in relation to New European Bauhaus
- speaker: Catharina Enderlein, meet MOMENTUM GmbH & Co. KG, the European Commission Partner in New European Bauhaus
- 11.10-11.30 - Methods of social influencing on the environmental and climate issues (case study)
- speaker: Ilona Jędrasik, Ph.D. candidate, Energy Poland Project Leader in ClientEarth
- 11.30-11.40 – coffee break
- 11.40-13.00 - Exchange of experiences.
- Discussion with students and their representatives.