W dniach 16-17 grudnia 2021 r. odbędzie się współorganizowana przez Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych konferencja międzynarodowa „Philosophy in Informatics VI”. Temat tegorocznej edycji to “Frontiers of philosophy of computing and information”.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału!
We are proud to invite you to the sixth edition of our “Philosophy in Informatics” conference. This edition of the event will take place on 16-17 December, in a virtual form. The main organiser is Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow.
This year the theme of the conference is Frontiers of philosophy of computing and information.
Our conference series is an attempt to consolidate various Polish and international research groups and scientific communities, which are interested in the philosophical debates concerning the Informatics (including: Computer Science), as well as assists in the development of the Philosophy of Informatics, with a particular focus on not only the theoretical and technological but also psychological and social aspects of the discipline. We hope that by inviting researchers from a variety of scientific disciplines dealing with the concepts of information and computing, such as philosophy (particularly logic, ontology and the theory of knowledge), information technology, computer science, physics, information science, psychology and sociology, we contribute to the further development of interdisciplinary research on information and information processing.
Conference website: https://calculemus.org/fi6/